Was there an inspiration behind your name, Impeccable Knits?
I was looking for a brand name that would reflect both my first love in knitting (cables) and my commitment to creating excellent patterns and one of my daughters suggested the name. I thought it was perfect and am doubly pleased that it makes me think of her every time I see it.
My maternal grandmother taught me how to knit before I started school so I must have been about 5. I don't really remember actually learning but I do remember that my grandmother was never without either embroidery or knitting needles in her hands.
I don't think I've ever met a craft I didn't like! I used to do a lot of sewing, quilting, crochet and embroidery but these days most of my hours are spent with knitting needles.
It really depends -- sometimes it's one and sometimes the other. There doesn't seem to be a consistent pattern (oops, bad pun!) as to how any given project begins. And often a project that begins with a stitch pattern ends up morphing into something totally different as I work on swatches and stitch combinations. I've had a sweater sleeve idea turn into a sock and a shawl idea become a hat. It's always a marvelous adventure.
How long have you been designing?
Since 2008.
I'm on Twitter, Instagram and Ravelry as impeccableknits and have a lovely group of knitters that hang out in my Impeccable Knitters Gathering Place Ravelry group. I also have my Shifting Stitch blog https://impeccableknits.wordpress.com/ where I like to share knitting tips and a website http://www.impeccableknits.ca/
Luise has kindly let me giveaway a coupon code for her newest socks, Lissadell. The coupon code will give you the pattern for these socks free on Ravelry. Please check out her other patterns available on Ravelry.
Affliate Link: Luise O'Neill also has patterns on Knit Picks website. Check them out to buy the yarn, but consider buying directly from Luise on Ravelry.